In honor of Memorial Day weekend, we're selling special
red,white, and blue Astrojax sets for this weekend only. As an added bonus, if you're a veteran or currently serving in the armed forces, we want to give you a discount as a small token of appreciation for all you've sacrificed so we can enjoy the freedom to do things like play with Astrojax.
We don't truly have a great way to verify if you are serving or a veteran, so we're just gonna use the honor system and put the coupon code right here for you to use. During checkout simply enter the coupon code
AMHERO15 to receive 15% off your order.
And to everyone else out there who's enjoying a 3-day weekend- Amidst cookouts and summertime fun, make sure you take a moment to be thankful for the freedoms you enjoy and remember the brave men and women that make it their duty to protect it.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!
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