Astrojax Player Spotlight: KotL

It's been a while since we've had a community interview but here and ready for your reading pleasure is a Q & A session we had recently with rising Astrojax star, KotL!  Read on to see what KotL's experience with everyone's favorite skill toy has been like including his personal recipe for success with Astrojax!

AGE: 15
PLAYER SINCE: 04/2011 

US ASTROJAX:  How do you feel Astrojax fits into the world of Skill Toys?

KotL:  I like the movement of Astrojax.  Having three items moving rather than one or two, just brings in so much energy to play.  Moves can be slow and simple, smooth and choreographed, or they can be fast and even chaotic-feeling with more motion than the eyes can follow.  There is so much that can be done with Astrojax, making it top of the list for me, even though I enjoy playing with other skill toys.

US ASTROJAX: When you first began, what did you see as some of your biggest hurdles to proficiency?

KotL: In the beginning, working on timing and keeping rhythm with music was my biggest hurdle, but I'm glad I took the time and effort to develop that.  I have a pretty good sense of rhythm so I could start my moves to the rhythm but when something went wrong it was hard to get back on track.  It just took practice switching moves smoothly while staying with the music.  It makes daily jaxing much more fun to be able to incorporate music into my play style, plus people say that it's very interesting to watch, especially with music.

US ASTROJAX: Are you an Astrojax collector?  If so, what's in your arsenal and which Astrojax do you use the most?

KotL:  I buy Astrojax for play, not for display.  Collecting is a cool idea though.  For play, I have quite an assortment, but my favorites include two Blue Diamond EB with an Orange MX FLO, a set of Orange MX Pop, and the one I use the most, my Aqua Shiva with the middle ball replaced with an Aqua Blue.

Editor's note for newbies: EB = end ball.  Flo = flowing middle ball.

US ASTROJAX: As you continue on your road to pro, what have been some of your most memorable moments?

KotL:  Well, there are many memorable moments. I remember on my very first day of Astrojaxing, my family and I were in a bookstore and I was practicing my switches in the sitting area.  I overheard my dad comment to my mom that I would ?be a pro in no time.?  I began carrying my Astrojax around my neck just about everywhere I went and practicing whenever I could...every day, sometimes for hours.  It was another great boost the first time I had people stopping in front of a store to watch me and ask me about Astrojax and how to get started.  I proudly told them to check out  Now, I entertain everywhere I go and pass out information to help get others involved in jaxing.  It is a fantastic art/sport/development tool.  I like to share the fun of Astrojaxing with others since It's helped me in so many areas of my life: self confidence, mental focus, and making new friends! I love jaxing!

US ASTROJAX: If you had the ability to design your own set of Astrojax from the ground up, what would they look like?

KotL: Glad you asked this question!  I'd like to see a blue Aqua-type material shaped into a cube with the sides indented and the cubes filled with water/glycerin, like the Aquas.  It would be a faint blue, almost white color that would glow in the dark and under a black light.  It's a little far out, I know, but I think it would be cool.  I'm especially fond of things that are lit, glow, or work well with black lights.

US ASTROJAX: What do you feel makes Astrojax important in the skill toy arena?

KotL: I feel that Astrojax is a good way to get people into skill toys of all kinds.  Astrojax really stands out from any other skill toy and people see it as fun and new, whereas everybody already knows about yo-yos, or at least they think they do. There are so many kinds of yo-yos, but people aren't as surprised by them as they are when you pull out a set of Astrojax. Astrojax really gets people's attention because they haven't seen anything like it before.

US ASTROJAX: Besides Astrojax, what other skill toys have your attention?

KotL: In addition to Astrojax, I enjoy poi and many categories of yo-yo.  I'd really like to get into fire poi.

US ASTROJAX: What other interests do you have besides Astrojax?

KotL:  Well, in addition to skill toys, I like writing, photography, video gaming, and creating web designs and 3D animations and models. I've developed some animations for a published author. All of my interests seem to have something to do with light. In addition to this, I'm a volunteer fire fighter. I'm pretty interested in hanging out with my friends and eating pizza, french fries and ice cream, too!

US ASTROJAX: Do you have any final pieces of advice you'd care to offer our readers?

KotL: Astrojaxing may not be easy at first, but don't give up!  A trick may seem really hard, and you may not get it right away, but keep trying.  And if you get stuck and find yourself repeatedly doing the same few moves over and over, go check out some videos of the pros.  A lot of inspiration can even come from watching videos of other skill toys, such as yo-yo and poi. Above all, be creative and imaginative.  Don't be afraid to try new things, and make sure you have fun jaxing!



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